9 października Wydarzenia

The application of nanotechnology in medicine offers a wide range of possibilities that may revolutionize the methods of detecting, imaging  and treating diseases with the use of nanoparticles. Nanoparticles produced in a targeted and controlled manner in the laboratory exhibit unique physicochemical properties which determine their potential wide medical application. During the lecture, information will be presented on the potential application of nanotechnology in medicine as well as on possible risks and limitations resulting from their use.

  • Data:
  • Czas trwania od: 09:00
  • Czas trwania do: 09:40
  • Lokalizacja: UJK, Wydział Nauk Ścisłych i Przyrodniczych, Budynek A, Instytut Biologii
  • Sala: Budynek A, sala 143
  • Forma: wykład/prezentacja
  • Prowadzący: mgr Magdalena Lasak
  • Limit uczestników: 50 osób
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